Work Samples

Here you can find  a list of links to professional and private projects I worked on. If you notice a broken link, please message me.


poker_logo_offGoodgame Poker - The first game I was officially working on.
gangster_logo_offGoodgame Gangster - A duel game I was mainly responsible for system design.
bigfarm_logo_offGoodgame Big Farm - Farming simulator game in browser I did some system design, tracking research and documentation.


etbEmpire Tool Box - A useful expansion for Goodgame Empire. This site includes Empire and offers a few tools, calculators and information.
bricksBricks - This was just a small playground for a feature idea. Construction in a 2D environment and visualization in 3D. Interesting part wasn't the UI or the visualization with very simple PHP GD library, but the data compression of a 30x30x30 3D grid.
etbThe Magic Number - A little magic trick of my childhood realized as a small website.
tttTic-Tac-Toe - Similar to the Magic Number thingy. A very common game we all know. As part of a project I realized this as a mini game for a little bit user interaction. There is no AI implemented but I had to research bit for such topics while preparing the implementation.